Adaptiv Capsules

by Marife Olivares
Essential New Life - doTERRA Adaptiv Capsules

We live in a world where we are busy constantly. Work and family responsibilities are always demanding but now that we are working from home and being teachers too, stress and anxiety are constantly in our lives. ⁣

Headaches, trouble sleeping, lack of energy and decreased productivity are all signs of everyday stress. Stress management is all about taking care of lifestyle, thoughts, emotions, and dealing with problems. ⁣

This is why I love Adaptiv Calming Blend Capsules! These capsules help me so much on reducing my stress levels and restore my mental and physical resiliency. They are a combination of essential oils and botanicals. ⁣

How these ingredients help you?

Lavender: reduces anxious feelings and helps ease feelings of tension when used internally.*⁣

Coriander: creates a relaxing atmosphere.⁣

Wild Orange: cheering and mood enhancer. ⁣

Sceletium: ⁣
– Supports healthy emotional responses to everyday stressors and promotes feelings of happiness and well-being.⁣
– It balances healthy levels of mood-stabilizing hormones and improves cognitive function while combating occasional nervousness.⁣

– A quieting neurotransmitter that helps promote relaxation.⁣
– It has a natural comforting effect and helps reduce feelings of apprehension and fear by decreasing neuronal excitability.*⁣
– Reduces mental and physical strain.*⁣

Ahiflower: have a positive effect reducing anxious feelings.*⁣

Are you ready to try Adaptiv Calming Blend Capsules? Send me a message and I will love to help you! ⁣

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