I have many essential oils as my favorites but there is one that has won my heart completely: Copaiba Oil!! 💕💕
Relaxation, Anxious Feelings, Stress
💌 Add a few drops of Copaiba to your diffuser to help calm emotions and soothe anxious feelings!
💌 Combine Copaiba with fractionated coconut oil, Castile soap or body wash and add to your bath for unwinding and relaxation.
💌 Diffuse Copaiba oil in your room and focus on the scent to fall into a meditative state.
💌 Create your own massage blend using Copaiba oil for relaxation.
Jaw Issues
💌 My Jaw Locks and the only thing that help me is my Copaiba!!! Two drops under my tongue morning and night!!! It also helps to relax your jaw when you bite too hard, just apply Copaiba over your jawline.
Protect your body
💌 Copaiba essential oil protects and supports your cells. It is an amazing antioxidant!
💌 Taken internally, It helps you to boost your immune system and support your cardiovascular system.
Head Tension
💌 Just put 2 drops under your tongue or massage gently onto temples and back of the neck!
Healthy Inflammatory Response
💌 Any discomfort you have, really! Muscles, joints, menstrual issues, etc!!! Just rub copaiba oil diluted with fractionated coconut oil over the area. Add Deep Blue (diluted also) for stronger results.
💌 Make your own perfume using Copaiba essential oil. It combines well with Roman Chamomile, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Frankincense, or Ylang Ylang. You can create your own blend in a roller bottle.
💌 Take a drop of Copaiba with a drop of Peppermint at mealtimes to support digestion.
Skin Care
💌 To promote a clear, smooth complexion, combine Copaiba with Cedarwood and Fractionated Coconut Oil and apply topically.
💌 To improve aging spots and wrinkles combine Copaiba, Frankincense and Yarrow-Pom. I call this my Glow Serum!!
💌 Add a drop to facial moisturizer or make your own beauty roller to help keep skin clear and reduce the appearance of blemishes. Apply to your face in upward circular motions.
Do you want to learn more about essential oils and how you can use them? Send me a message 📬