DIY Natural Sunscreen

by Marife Olivares
Essential New Life | DIY Natural Sunscreen doTERRA Essential Oils

It has being almost 2 years since I started using essential oils and incorporating healthy habits in my routine. One of the biggest challenges I had was to eliminate all the toxic products from my home, and finding a natural sunscreen it was very hard. After a lot of research and hours reading labels, I discovered I can only trust one ingredient that is safe for my family and also effective as a sun blocker: Zinc Oxide!

Zinc Oxide is a mineral that sits on top of the skin, scattering, reflecting, and absorbing UVA & UVB rays. Although Zinc oxide is the safest and most effective active sunscreen ingredient, the best protection from the sun seek shade and cover up with clothes and a hat.

If you are looking for a store-bought sunscreen, please select one the only active ingredient is Zinc Oxide! These sunscreens are very thick, so you can mix it with a natural moistening cream for an smoother application (I love doTERRA Spa Hand & Body Lotion).

If you are looking for a natural alternative sunscreen that will keep your skin smooth and moisturized, try this simple recipe for DIY natural sunscreen.

And remember to keep hydrated adding flavor to your water with citrus essential oils!!!

Are you ready to eliminate toxic products from your life and making your own natural products? Send me a message 📬 to join my community and receive free online classes and all my support to learn how to use your oils.

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