Internal Use Made Easy

by Marife Olivares
Essential New Life - doTERRA Internal Use Made Easy

I love my doTERRA essential oils so much that I use them every day. I have my veggie capsules and I create my own, but somethings it is easier to have the capsules ready when you need it. doTERRA softgels are a convenient way to carry your must haves with you! ⁣

Copaiba: it is one of my favorite oils for many reasons. I take 2 drops of Copaiba oil twice a day under my tongue for a healthy inflammatory reschedule e (my jaw locks) and it help me so much to prevent anxious feelings and stress. Additionally, it helps me to relax and sleep so good! What I do when I don’t have my Copaiba oil with me? I just have my Copaiba softgels ready!⁣

On Guard +: this softgel has become one of my favorites too! When I feel not so good and I am starting getting sick or somebody is sick around me, I take it! This softgel has Melissa, Black Pepper and Oregano in addition to On Guard Protective Blend. ⁣

Zendocrine: I take this when I need to cleanse my body and detox my organs.⁣

TriEase: this is really my BEST friend and I take it daily! My body thinks dust is a big threat and I get sinus, throat and ears discomfort very frequently. TriEase is my lifesaver!⁣

DigestZen: I love this softgel for any type of tummy discomfort.⁣

❤ Serenity: I am in love with the Serenity Oil Blend, and the soft gels are not the exception! I use the Serenity Blend in my diffuser every night in combination with doTERRA Balance blend, and I take a softgel at night when I need extra support sleeping. I also take it during the day when I need help with anxious feelings.⁣

Are you taking any of these softgels? Which is your favorite and can’t live without? Mine are Copaiba, Triease, Serenity, OnGuard+…. I love them!!! 💕⁣

Are you ready to start trying these amazing softgels? Send me a message 📬 and I will love to help you!⁣

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