Forgive – Renewing Blend

by Marife Olivares
Essential New Life - doTERRA Forgive Renewing Blend

I want to talk today about doTERRA Forgive. Forgive is a renewing blend that brings the promise of peace that comes with forgiving others and self. It turns resentment and judgment into allowing and acceptance, the two ingredients critical for growth. ⁣

During this quarantine time I have being using this blend when things goes out of control at home and I need to breathe deeply and let some negative feelings go away. Being at home 24/7 with our kids it is bless because we are safe but at the same time it is very difficult. During this hard times we need to take of our family physically and emotionally too.⁣

Top Uses:⁣

✧ Anger, Resentment, Guilt: apply diluted to pulse points, inhale from cupped hands, and apply over heart. ⁣

✧ Irritability: inhale from cupped hands.⁣

✧ Attachment Issues: apply diluted to pulse points, and diffuse.⁣

Are you ready to try this renewing blend? Send me a message and I will love to help you! ⁣

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