Immune Bomb Recipes for the Family

by Marife Olivares
Essential New Life | doTERRA Oils - Immune Bomb Capsules

I have being asked so many times in the last two weeks how we can boost our immune system and protect our family. Environmental Threats are everywhere, but right now we all are extra concerned about protecting our family.

If you need an extra boost, the immune bomb capsules will be great for you! You can also prepare the immune bomb roller blend for small children.

Essential New Life | doTERRA Oils - Kids Immune Bomb Roller Blend

Remember, the amount of essential oils in a roller blend depends on the age of the child. Please use this dilution reference chart to prepare your child roller blend based on his/her age.

Essential New Life | doTERRA Oils - Kids Dilution Guide

⁣Are you ready to start protecting your family from environmental threats? Don’t you have your oils yet? Send me a message and I will love to help you! ⁣

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