Wild Orange Essential Oil

by Marife Olivares
Essential New Life - doTERRA Wild Orange Essential Oil

One of my favorites citric oils is Wild Orange. During these global health crisis, as moms, we need extra help having our kids with us everyday, homeschooling, working from home!!!! I love this oil because it gives me energy but at the same time relax me 😍. ⁣

Top Uses:⁣

⁣🍊 Energy: 1-3 drops in water, or inhale from cupped hands.⁣

🍊 Cheering & Mood Enhancer: inhale 1-2 drops from cupped hands, or diffuse.⁣

🍊 Anxious Feelings: inhale 1-2 drops from cupped hands, or diffuse 5-10 drops. ⁣

🍊 Immune Support: Add 1-2 to your water, gargle 2 drops with water or apply to bottoms of feet. ⁣

🍊 Sleep Issues: put a drop under the tongue before bed.⁣

🍊 Smoothies, Dressings & Sauces: add according to taste. ⁣

Safety: avoid sun exposure for 12 hours after topical use. ⁣

Are you ready to try this amazing citric oil? Send me a message and I will love to help you! ⁣

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