Immune Bomb Roller Blend

by Marife Olivares
Essential New Life | Immune Bomb Roller Blend with doTERRA Essential Oils

I  want to share today one of the rollers you must have in your home! This recipe will help you with throat discomfort, temperature, fight environmental threats and more!!!

Just add the following oils to a 10ml roller bottle and fill with fractionated coconut oil.

10 drops On Guard
10 drops Lemon
6 drops Frankincense
4 drops Oregano
4 drops Tea Tree (Melaleuca)

When to use it?

When your temperatura is not normal, you feel any respiratory or throat discomfort.

Where to apply?

Apply on bottom of feet, spine, or throat 3-6 times per day

This recipe is for adults. If you are applying this recipe to kids or seniors, please check the dilution guide included in this post and adjust the amount of drops.

Do you want to learn more on how to boost your immune system with natural products? Send me a message and I will love to help you! ⁣

A big hug,

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