Magnolia Essential Oil

by Marife Olivares
Essential New Life - doTERRA Magnolia Essential Oil

I am so happy I have my Mother’s Day gift!!! Yes, I opened it and started using my oils (It was impossible for me to wait until Mother’s Day, I am sorry) ⁣

My favorite oil of this Precious Florals collection is Magnolia. ⁣

Magnolia is recommended for anxious feelings and stress, and I know now why. I have being carrying my roller in my pocket all day and applying it on my wrists and inhaling it with amazing results. Besides it smell like heaven, it works so fast relaxing me and getting away of my overwhelming emotions. ⁣

Top Uses:⁣

🌸 Stress, Anxious Feeling: apply to wrists and temples, taking deep breaths. ⁣

🌸 Lack of Energy: apply to back of neck, forehead, under nose, or over heart. Inhale from cupped hands. ⁣

🌸 Menstrual Cramping, Hormonal Imbalances: apply over lower abdomen and to wrists. ⁣

🌸 Irritability, Anger, Rage: apply to back of neck, forehead, under nose, over heart, or bottoms of feet. Inhale from cupped hands. ⁣

🌸 Libido & Sex Drive, Breast Issues: apply to wrists, chest, back of neck, or reproductive organ reflex points.⁣

🌸 Sore muscles: massage onto affected muscles with carrier oil.⁣

🌸 Loss of interest in activities: apply over heart in the morning and afternoon. ⁣

🌸 Hives & rashes: apply with carrier oil to affected skin. ⁣

🌸 Perfume: apply to pulse points, layered with jasmine or neroli.⁣

🌸 Sleep Issues: apply to back of neck, forehead, and/or under nose. ⁣

Are you ready to start using this amazing essential oil? Send me a message and I will love to help you! ⁣

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