Natural Deodorant with doTERRA Balance

by Marife Olivares
Essential New Life | doTERRA Balance Natural Deodorant

This natural deodorant features doTerra Balance Grounding Blend, baking soda, and arrowroot powder for long-lasting freshness and all-day confidence. ⁣

I started using this natural deodorant two months ago after reading an article about the chemicals antiperspirants have 😱⁣

I was a little hesitant about switching to a natural deodorant because I sweat a lot and I didn’t know if this natural solution could be enough but IT WORKS!

I live in Florida and this hot summer I have being testing this deodorant to the edge and it works so good. No odor, no sweat at all! I am completely in love with my doTerra Deodorant! ⁣

Are you ready to try this natural deodorant ? Send me a message and I tell you how to save 25%!⁣

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